Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why News Can Only Be Bias, If its Bias Toward Me...

Just a quick hit:

A new, all-news network directed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's former chief spokesman could soon be coming to Canadian living rooms.

Quebecor Media Inc. has filed an application for an English-language TV news network with the CRTC, the federal broadcast regulator.

Liberal Heritage critic Pablo Rodriguez reacted with caution to the proposed network.

"Competition is always welcome. Normally when you have good competition, it's the consumer that benefits," Rodriguez said in an interview.

"But I would be wary of having a channel like Fox News that's driven by ideology."

But New Democrat MP Charlie Angus reacted to Quebecor's bid with guns blazing.

"One of the problems they're going to face is that there is actually an obligation in Canada — unlike the United States — to have some balance [in news reporting]," said Angus.

"Having Kory anywhere near the project kind of blows that obligation out of the water."

Angus said he fears the Conservatives will bend to Quebecor's policy demands "and in return he'll let the Kory Tenecykes treat the service as in-house media for the Conservative machine."


Why is it then when I need to "lefts side" of the story I can pick up any number of papers, read any number of columnists, and watch any number of Canadian Media Personalities.

Yet the idea of having something similar for the right is an abomination?

Maybe I am just a simpleton,
but I think giving Canadians all the angles and letting them decide for themselves isn't that horrid of an idea?

But what do I know...


  1. You are exactly right. We can't eliminate bias. We can only watch the 2 sides fight and let it bring us closer to the truth. It works in court. It works in the free market and it works in Politics. Why not in media as well?

  2. The court example is very apt.
    Bias exists;

    We are not longer in the Walter Cronkite era of media integrity.

    Since it does exist I think every Canadian should have access to both sides of the story, the Toronto Star and CBC (at times) do an excellent job on focusing on the plight of the opposition, why not have one with a more Conservative stance?

    The reality is the truth will always trump any presentation of the facts, and if the opposition feels they are fundamentally correct then they should have nothing to fear from this sort of news outlet.

  3. CTV and CBC have left open a media hole by failing to report such things as the East Anglia story, and never reporting much positive about our strong PM. We desperately need a new news channel so that people like myself do not just turn off the TV in disgust. They did not listen to the market, so will have a new competitor. Good - Charles Angus does not believe in a free market and true balance.

  4. L,

    Bang On.

    This is just another example of the lefts real stance on censorship.

    Free Speech is long as you agree with us.

    The Anne Coulter situation was a primary example of this sort of continuing hypocrisy.

    The left has always been scared of an open dialogue, this just solidification of that fact.
